The West War

When the Prime Evils sent their full forces against Aspenta, it didn’t take long before the Prime Goods fell. The Second War was quickly resolved. The dwarves defended their home as well as they could, but quickly retreated to the lands of the humans. Asia was the next to fall under the might of Tamae and the Prime Evils. Now, all the good in the world fought side by side, trying to fend off the endless amounts of orcs, drows, and dragons. They called this part of the Second War for the West War, since the troops of evil came through the Underground from the west.

The mountains of Berun fell quickly to the might of the dragons and Asia fell to the overwhelming amount of orcs. The Three Prime Goods then tried to defend Aiania, but were suddenly surrounded by the Prime Evils. They had constructed tunnels leading to the surface at the southern part of Aspenta. It wasn’t long before the Prime Goods had to retreat west, to the grand city of Aspenta. Here they held their last stand. During the first waves, they held their ground steadily but scouts reported larger and larger numbers attacking the capital of the humans.

The main forces of the orcs and the drows were fended off, but as soon as the dragons’ main force was scouted flying towards Aspenta, moral fell extremely fast. As the dragon armies drew near, the Prime Goods prepared for their fall. As soon as Tamae attacked, the Prime Goods, who had remained to fight the dragon army and Tamae, were slaughtered. The city of Aspenta fell and the Second War was over.
